Thursday, September 26, 2024

AGM Secretary's Report

Carrick-on-Shannon Athletic Club held a successful Annual General Meeting on Thursday September 26, 2024 at The Hive.

Secretary John Connolly presented his report to the meeting which can be read below:

Carrick-on-Shannon AC Secretary’s Report 2024

After quite a long gap, it gives me great pleasure to look back over an extended period of almost two years as I present my report to the Carrick-on-Shannon Athletic Club Annual General Meeting.

First, an apology that we didn’t get around to holding an AGM at the end of last year, the long finger is a curse with the meeting being put back time and time again - eventually, the long finger got so long that we have only got around to it tonight. So once again, apologies.

Looking back over our club’s performances since January 2023, it has been a remarkable period for our club. For many years, our Juvenile section led the way but nowadays, it is our athletes of an older vintage that are making headlines. 

Gerard O’Donnell returned to the top spot of the podium at the Athletics Ireland Senior 110m Hurdles after twice missing out by fractions of seconds over the previous two years, a fitting reward for a man who combines his own athletics endeavours with coaching some of Ireland’s best athletes who won medals at the World Relays and European Athletics Championships and competed at the Paris Olympics - truly no club could ask for a better ambassador.

Michelle Lannon and Ann Wynn plundered a sackload medals at National, European and World Masters level over the past two seasons, at cross-country and track, wearing the Irish vest with pride while Mickey Duignan, safe to say our longest serving club member as he joined the club the day it was founded, won gold medals in the Over 60 1,500m and 10K at the World Firefighter Games in Denmark - all three are an inspiration to us all. Deirdre Martin won gold and silver medals in the National 50Km while also finding time to win marathons in Galway, Westport and Longford and help coach our youngest athletes.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, Kevin English won gold in the U12 100m at the National Community Games Finals so we really are a sport that caters for literally every age group.

It didn’t win medals as such but it would be remiss of me not to mention Liam Cox’s extraordinary efforts in his Lap of the Map in aid of North West STOP in 2023 a charity dear to many of us - to run from here to Sligo is some going but Liam kept going around the entire coastline of Ireland in a truly remarkable feat of endurance, perseverance and sheer determination. Congrats Liam.

All this wouldn’t happen without the efforts of our coaches and officials who dedicate hours of their time to ensuring that the children and adults of the area are able to pursue their dreams in a safe and welcoming environment so kudos to each and every one of you - we wouldn’t be the club we are without you.

A special mention to our Adult Running Group which continues to thrive under the leadership of Graham Allen. I know Graham has a great group around him and to see what seems like a horde of runners on the roads of Carrick on Shannon is truly uplifting. The link up with the Leitrim Sports Partnership and the Couch to 5K series has been wonderfully beneficial to both parties and it is a sign of the welcoming nature of the group that so many stay on and join the club afterwards. Well done Graham.

We celebrated our 50th Anniversary by giving each of our members, juvenile to Senior, a special commemorative t-shirt, with the support of Brady Insurance. As a promotional tool for the club, I don’t think anything could have gone better. My thanks to Fergus Daly of Daly Sportswear for his incredibly quick turnaround in getting the t-shirts out before the end of 2023 and I know the t-shirt is a prized possession for young and old alike.

I would also like to thank Jane Brady and Brady Insurance for their wonderful support of our club and also Noleen and the staff of Carrick Community School for the use of their facilities, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do without them. Also thanks to Ken McManus for his unfailing good humour on our trips to Sligo track - that initiative has been funded by the support of Brady Insurance and was a brilliant experience for many young athletes over the past year.

I know our chairperson Siobhan has a few words about the Shannonside Recreational Campus in her address, all I will say is that we are counting the days down to when we will have a track on our doorstep. The development of quality facilities has a proven relationship with the development of athletes so we are eagerly awaiting a new chapter in the history of Carrick-on-Shannon AC.

Thoughts for the future compels me to mention that we, as a club, can always do with new faces with new ideas to bring the club forward. The Club was founded in 1973 and has grown hugely over the years which brings its own challenges - as of 4 pm today, we have 317 members, 97 of whom are Seniors. Examining those figures, we don’t have a lot of members in the 14 to 19 age range and that is a concern - our numbers in those age groups haven’t recovered from the Covid years but I’d be hopeful that the strong numbers and enthusiastic athletes we have coming through can alleviate that problem in the coming years.

But it is more in terms of leadership that I ask the question of what we can do better - going over the minutes of the previous AGM, we had plans to celebrate our 50th anniversary but between personal commitments, work and life in general, those plans never got off the ground and I want to apologise for that lost opportunity.

It is why I am conscious that new faces at the top table can bring fresh energy and new ideas - our chairperson Siobhan is a great example of that. It was only when I was going over the old AGM minutes that I realised I took over as Club Secretary from the late, great Michael O’Brien in November 1998, making this my 26th year serving as Secretary - boy that time has flown and Michael had the role for the guts of 20 before that!

Now before anyone thinks I’m chucking it all in, I’m not stepping down but as a club looking to the future, it is something we need to be thinking about - it is only good practice that we open these roles up to new faces who will bring fresh energy and life to the role. Seeing the same people in the same roles for so long can deter people from getting involved and as a club, that would not be good.

I’d encourage anyone to get involved as an officer of this club - you couldn’t work with better people and I really mean that. Siobhan, Karen, Mary O’Donnell and all of our officers are not just great officials, they are great people and wonderful friends but we’d all be delighted to see some new blood coming in.

Moving on, on a sombre note, I’d like to express my sympathy to all those who suffered bereavements since our last AGM. I won’t list everyone but I will mention the passing of adult club member Pat Heffernan and former member Dominic Keenehan. Both their families and communities were devastated by their passing and I want to pass on my deepest sympathy to their family and friends.

I conclude by thanking everyone for their support and patience over the past year, particularly Siobhan, Karen, Mary and Donnacha. I want to thank our athletes for all their efforts while representing Carrick AC on whatever stage they are on and I  look forward to the coming year with optimism and excitement.

John Connolly


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Just a quick note to remind all our members over the age of 16 and parents of Juvenile members that our Club Annual General Meeting takes place tomorrow, Thursday September 26, at 8pm at The Hive on the Castlecarra Road.

Everyone is welcome to attend, we don't expect people to take on jobs - we'd be delighted if someone wants to join our coaching or officials team - but everyone is welcome to attend and hear a review of our activities and our plans for the coming year.


A final reminder that training for our Juvenile members returns next Tuesday, October 1. All the details are in the link below but just a reminder that we are accepting new members in all training groups up to the deadline day of Monday September 30, but after that, we won’t accept any new members in the indoor training groups until the New Year. We are not accepting any child born in 2016 at this time but will be accepting members in those age groups in January 2025.

You can submit a membership application via the Athletics Ireland Membership system at

Full details on training times and how to register are available on our website at

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


A quick note to let everyone know our plans for our return to Juvenile club training.



To help us accommodate growing numbers seeking to join the club, there will be changes in the scheduling of groups. From our return to training on Tuesday October 1, the following groups will train at the following times:

  • Athletes born 2015: Tuesday 5 to 5.50 pm (Indoors Carrick Sports Complex)

  • Athletes born 2014: Tuesday 6 to 6.50 pm (Indoors Carrick Sports Complex)

  • Athletes born 2013: Tuesday 6 to 7 pm (Outdoors, meet at Sports Complex)

  • Athletes born 2012 & before: Tuesday 6 to 7 pm (Outdoors, meet at Sports Complex)

  • Athletes born 2011 & before: Tuesday 6 to 7 pm (Outdoors, meet at Sports Complex)

On Wednesday, there is an indoor session at the Complex for athletes born 2012 or earlier, from 5.30 to 7 pm, specialising in event specific training and circuits. This session is for athletes who intend to compete in regional and national competitions only.

There is also a session on Fridays, outdoors at the Sports Complex at 4pm for children born in 2012 or earlier - again for athletes who will compete in regional and national competitions only

Thanks to our sponsors Brady Insurance of Carrick-on-Shannon for their wonderful support


With the cross-country season soon upon, training for those who wish to take part in Cross-country will start next Tuesday, September 3, meeting at the Sports Complex at 6 pm sharp. This is only for those who will compete in the Regional & National competitions and will entail training three times a week. Please contact John Connolly at if you wish to take part.


We will be accepting new members in all training groups up to the deadline day of Monday September 30, after which we won’t be accepting any new members in the indoor training groups until the New Year. We are not accepting any child born in 2016 at this time but will be accepting members in those age groups in January 2025.

You can submit a membership application via the Athletics Ireland Membership system at



All Juvenile members are asked to pay their Term Fees of €30 per athlete on or before the first session on October 1. This covers the entire term up to Christmas. We will be in touch with details of term fees and how to pay them before our return to training.


As always, we are urgently seeking help from parents to act as supervisors and coaches at training - this will help us accommodate more members in the future as we are greatly restricted at the moment by space and the number of people willing to volunteer - every bit of help would be enormously appreciated


Any queries to Secretary John Connolly at

Saturday, January 06, 2024


A quick reminder that we're back to juvenile training from this Tuesday, January 9, at Carrick Sports Complex and another reminder that anyone who attends any organised club training MUST be a fully registered member of the Club due to insurance and membership regulations.

All Adult members must also be fully registered to train with Graham Allen's group on Mondays and Wednesdays.

​​​​​​​Our registration system is through the Athletics Ireland Online Membership System which means that our members will be able to renew their memberships from the comfort of their own home. 

Our membership fees for the 2024 season are as follows: 

  • Juvenile (U20 on December 31, 2005) - €28 

  • Senior/Masters - €35 Juvenile 

  • Family (3 or more Juvenile members) - €70 

There are several ways of renewing your membership or applying to join the club.


For existing members, the club will send out a membership link via email to any club members whose email address is inputted into the system. Simply follow the link attached and pay your membership depending on your age category. 

If you do not receive an email notification from the Athletics Ireland Membership system, contact Club Secretary John Connolly and provide your email address and a renewal notice will then be sent out. 


Depending on when you were last a member of the club, your details may still be stored in the system. 


For new members, the process is a bit simpler. Simply click onto the following link and follow the instructions, an application to join the club will be lodged and approved by the club. 

If the link is not showing up, the address is as follows:


From our return to training on Tuesday January 9, the following groups will train at the following times:

Athletes born 2015: Tuesday 5 to 6 pm (Indoors Carrick Sports Complex)

Athletes born 2014: Tuesday 5 to 6 pm (Indoors Carrick Sports Complex)

Athletes born 2013: Tuesday 6 to 7 pm (Indoors Carrick Sports Complex)

Athletes born 2012: Tuesday 6 to 7 pm (Outdoors, meet at Sports Complex)

Athletes born 2011: Tuesday 6 to 7 pm (Outdoors, meet at Sports Complex)

Athletes born 2010 & before: Tuesday 6 to 7 pm (Outdoors, meet at Sports Complex)


On Wednesday, there is an indoor session at the Complex for Athletes born 2011 or earlier, from 5.30 to 7 pm, specialising in event specific training and circuits

There is also a session on Fridays, outdoors at the Sports Complex at 4pm for children born in 2011 or earlier


As always, we are urgently seeking help from parents to act as supervisors and coaches at training - this will help us accommodate more members in the future as we are greatly restricted at the moment by space and the number of people willing to volunteer - every bit of help would be enormously appreciated

Any queries to Secretary John Connolly at

Tuesday, January 02, 2024


We hope all our members and their families had a wonderful Christmas season but now it is time to get back to training!

The Juvenile groups are back in action from this Tuesday, January 9, in the Sports Complex at the usual times. Adult groups continue as normal under the guidance of Graham Allen, meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Anyone who attends Training MUST be a fully registered member of the club as we cannot allow anyone who is not fully paid up take part in organised club activities due to insurance considerations. The same applies for anyone wishing to take part in competition.

​​​​​​​Our registration system is through the Athletics Ireland Online Membership System which means that our members will be able to renew their memberships from the comfort of their own home. 

Our membership fees for the 2024 season are as follows: 

  • Juvenile (U20 on December 31, 2005) - €28 

  • Senior/Masters - €35 Juvenile 

  • Family (3 or more) - €70 

There are several ways of renewing your membership or applying to join the club.


For existing members, the club will send out a membership link via email to any club members whose email address is inputted into the system. Simply follow the link attached and pay your membership depending on your age category. 

If you do not receive an email notification from the Athletics Ireland Membership system, contact Club Secretary John Connolly and provide your email address and a renewal notice will then be sent out. 


Depending on when you were last a member of the club, your details may still be stored in the system. 


For new members, the process is a bit simpler. Simply click onto the following link and follow the instructions, an application to join the club will be lodged and approved by the club. 

If the link is not showing up, the address is as follows:

If you have any queries, contact Club Secretary John Connolly at

Wednesday, September 20, 2023


 Hi, just a quick note to let everyone know our plans for our return to club training in October.

To help us accommodate growing numbers seeking to join the club, there will be changes in the scheduling of groups. From our return to training on Tuesday October 3, the following groups will train at the following times:

Athletes born 2014: Tuesday 5 to 6 pm (Indoors Carrick Sports Complex)

Athletes born 2013: Tuesday 6 to 7 pm (Indoors Carrick Sports Complex)

Athletes born 2012: Tuesday 6 to 7 pm (Outdoors, meet at Sports Complex)

Athletes born 2011: Tuesday 6 to 7 pm (Outdoors, meet at Sports Complex)

Athletes born 2010 & before: Tuesday 6 to 7 pm (Outdoors, meet at Sports Complex)

On Wednesday, there is an indoor session at the Complex for Athletes born 2011 or earlier, from 5.30 to 7 pm, specialising in event specific training and circuits

There is also a session on Fridays, outdoors at the Sports Complex at 4pm for children born in 2011 or earlier

We will be accepting new members born in 2014 or before in all training groups - you can submit a membership application via the Athletics Ireland Membership system at

We are not accepting any child born in 2015 at this time but will be accepting members in those age groups in January 2024.


As always, we are urgently seeking help from parents to act as supervisors and coaches at training - this will help us accommodate more members in the future as we are greatly restricted at the moment by space and the number of people willing to volunteer - every bit of help would be enormously appreciated

We will be in touch with details of term fees and how to pay them before our return to training.

Any queries to Secretary John Connolly at

Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Annual General Meeting Report

We held a very successful Annual General Meeting on Thursday, January 26, last week in Gaelscoil Liatroma.

The following officers were elected:
  • Chairperson: Siobhan Murtagh
  • Vice-Chairperson: Andrew Brennan
  • Secretary & PRO: John Connolly
  • Treasurer: Karen Brennan
  • Children's Officer: Donnacha Holmes
  • Adult Group Co-ordinator: Graham Allen

The following are the address of chairperson Siobhan Murtagh and secretary John Connolly.


Good evening. I would like to welcome you all to our AGM. Thank you all for taking the time to attend. I have enjoyed my first year as chairperson and if re-elected I would like to continue to do my best for the club.

Starting 2022, we were still dealing with Covid restrictions. Training for all age groups had to be conducted outside. We were very lucky to have the Gaelscoil grounds as a safe and secure place to train our groups. I would like to thank Priobhide Caitriona for very kindly allowing us the use of the school grounds and her generosity providing a room for us to have a number of club meetings, providing tea/coffee and treats. It was very greatly appreciated.

The month of May brought us fantastic news when Jane Brady of Brady Insurance, approached us to become Carrick on Shannon AC’s first main sponsor. The welcome Brady Insurance sponsorship, will go a long way in helping us secure a new long jump pit which we have in our sites, training events in Longford, Sligo and Athlone, along with new equipment for our juvenile members. 

I would like to say a huge thank you to Jane Brady and in appreciation we would like to encourage our members to support Brady Insurance, when considering their insurance needs. We would also like to congratulate them on their recent merger and extension of their large offices beside the town clock in Carrick on Shannon.

Throughout the Summer we returned to the top field at Carrick Community School. It was great to have the grass back under our feet. I would like to thank Adrian Jackson, principle of Carrick Community School for very generously allowing us the use of the top field and to the caretaker Sean Duignan for keeping it maintained so well for us.

During the Summer we also had many training sessions in Sligo IT in preparation for competitions which was invaluable for all of our athletes. I would like to thank all of the parents for driving over and back to Sligo on so many occasions as the option with a bus was still considered a risk due to covid.

On our return to training in October, thankfully restrictions had been lifted and the sports complex was once again available for us to continue our work, training our younger age groups indoors. We were delighted to see a brand new floor in the sports hall. I would like to thank Noelene for all of her great work in the sports complex and for looking after us so well each week.

Throughout 2022 once again, our athletes have made us all very proud. I would like to thank all of our athletes and congratulate the many athletes that have had great successes–John has kindly named everyone in his report.

To my fellow coaches that so generously give up their time each week to ensure the club continues to grow, I would like to say a very big thank you. To John Connolly, Mary O’Donnell, Michelle Lever, Aisling OHart, Orla McGuinness, Karen Brennan, Andrew Brennan, Donnacha Holmes, Diane Charles, Linda Mollohan, Aideen Hennessy, Deirdre Martin, Ann Wynne, Evelyn Russell, Aoife McCormack who helped earlier in the year. I would also like to thank Graham Allen for the great work he does with the adult group which is continuing to grow.

I would like to welcome Brian O’Donnell back to the club as our high jump coach. Brian has had many successes as a Carrick AC member in his years with the club. It is great to have his experience and knowledge back in the club. I would like to thank Brian for all of the great work he is doing. Michael O’Brien would be very proud to see our athletes back high jumping again.

Looking forward to 2023 is already looking very promising for Carrick AC.

We will be celebrating our 50th year in October. This will be very exciting for us all. We will be lucky enough to look back and remember all of the great athletes and coaches that contributed to our club over the past five decades. We plan to organise a very special event to celebrate this. John has been busy planning a book full of personal memories of people involved in the club throughout this time. This will be a wonderful tribute to such a momentous occasion and a treasured keepsake for everyone to remember it by. Thank you, John, for the work you have done so far on this.

On another positive note, the Shannonside Recreational Campus, after having secured land on the Castlecarra road, has also secured full planning permission. This comprises a 400m track, full size 4G pitch and Indoor Sports Hall with changing facilities. 

The SRC has recently acquired a company to complete a business plan for the development. They have already seen the first draft of this plan which is due for completion in the next few weeks. I would like to thank all of the people involved for immense dedication and tireless work on this project which has seen huge progress over the past 12 months.

To my fellow committee members, John Connolly, who works tirelessly in so many capacities. Thank you for all of your support throughout the year. To Karen Brennan as treasurer, It has been a busy role this year, thank you for all of your great work. To Donnacha Holmes as child welfare officer, thank you for ensuring the health and safety of the children throughout the year.

On a personal note, I would like to say a huge thank you to Mary O’Donnell. So many times I have to ring/text Mary to ask advice, check on competition rules, what height should the hurdles be??? The list goes on…. If Mary isn’t beside me she is always there on the end of the phone. Thank you so much Mary for always being there and for being the glue keeping it all together.

In conclusion, I am very excited for the future of Carrick Athletic Club and I look forward to what 2023 will bring for us all - Siobhan Murtagh


It gives me great pleasure to once again look back over another action-packed year as I present my report for the 2022 season to the Carrick-on-Shannon Athletic Club Annual General Meeting. It was only when I started reviewing my notes of the 12 months gone by that I realised that what appeared to be a quiet year was in fact action packed with some historic developments for our club and yet many more great achievements on track, road and cross-country.


We certainly broke new ground off the track when Brady Insurance became the club’s first ever main sponsor. We are so indebted to Jane Brady and her team for their support but to be honest, it was a bigger deal to me that a business as respected and with such deep ties in the community would be so willing to join with us and support us this way. It really means a lot to us and once again, I’d like to thank Jane for teaming up with the Club and we look forward to a wonderful partnership.


October 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the Club’s founding and I believe we should make a special effort to mark such a wonderful milestone. We have a few tentative ideas but we’d like to hear more from our members as we mark the occasion in a worthy manner, reflecting the impact the club has had on the sporting and social fabric of the greater Carrick-on-Shannon Area since 1973.


This is going to stun some of us as it is almost easy to overlook the incredible achievements of our athletes but we had four members represent their country in international competition in 2022. Gerard O’Donnell & Eanna Madden were members of the Ireland team who finished third at the inaugural DNA event in Glasgow in January 2022, Gerard earning the double honour of captaining the team on the day.

Clive Glancy again proved to be one of the fastest Gardai in the country when he represented Ireland in USPE European Police Championships Marathon in Eindhoven last October, setting a new personal best in the process.

But perhaps the most kudos should go to club coach Deirdre Martin who, apart from winning the Galway Bay Marathon in October, represented Ireland at the Anglo Celtic Plate 100Km race in Perth Scotland last April, winning a bronze medal into the bargain – not bad for someone who used to think running a 200m race was like running a marathon! Deirdre also won a silver medal in the National 50Km and she had time to help out with the juvenile training groups!

These were the standout performances but by no means the only amazing performances with Ann Wynne and Eilis Conway both winning two gold medals over 800m, Ann in the Masters Indoors and Outdoors and Ellis in the University and U23 championships.

Gerard O’Donnell surrendered his 110m Hurdles title but not without an almighty battle, losing out by two one hundredths of a second! It added to the bronze he won at the National Indoors, a medal replicated by Eanna Madden in the outdoor 400m.

Congratulations also to Tom Trench Winston on winning a fourth-place medal in the National Community Games Long Jump and well done to Kevin English, not a member at the time but now in Carrick AC royal blue, for medalling also.
Finally, while not a medal winning performance as such, can’t not mention Donnacha Holmes superb display in the Ironman World Championship with a time of 9 hours 59 minutes and 32 seconds. Another of our juvenile coaches who gives so much of his time.


Once again, I want to highlight the contribution of our club coaches who give so generously of their time and their enthusiasm. We simply wouldn’t have a group without them but I’d like to thank Graham Allen, Mary O’Donnell, Siobhan Murtagh, Michelle Lever, Aisling O’Hart, Donnacha Holmes, Andrew & Karen Brennan, Deirdre Martin, Ann Wynne, Diane Charles, Linda Mollohan, Aideen McGovern, Orla McGuinness & Evie Russell. We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without your dedication.

I’d also like to congratulate Gerard O’Donnell on his promotion to Coach Education Manager with Athletics Ireland, a worthy recognition of his talents as a coach and I’m sure he will be a great success in the role.


We returned to the Sports Complex last October after our Covid enforced break and while it was wonderful to be back in our old home, I can’t let the occasion go without putting on record our thanks to Gaelscoil Liatroma for allowing us to use their facilities during the pandemic. It truly was a lifesaver that allowed the club to continue to operate during a really testing time for the club.


2022 saw some of our members suffer bereavements during the year and I’d ask everyone to keep those who have suffered loss in our thoughts. In particular, I would like to offer my sympathy to the following families on their great loss in 2022: The Mulvey family Hartley on the death of Rosaleen, the Leaver family on the passing of Andrew’s mother Wendy, the McGuinness & Keaney families on the loss of Oliver; the Corcoran and Mulligan family on the sad passing of Michelle Corcoran; the Mollohan family on the passing of Linda's father Fred Gill; Siobhan & Callum Whelan on the sad passing of mother Lily. I’d also like to pass our sympathy to the family of the late Ray Flynn, a great friend of many Carrick AC athletes and officials down through the years.

Apologies to anyone who has inadvertently been missed out but once again, the deepest sympathy of Carrick AC on your loss.


I’m going to finish up by thanking everyone who has supported and helped me over the past year, particularly Siobhan Murtagh, Karen Brennan, Mary O’Donnell, Graham Allen, Donnacha Holmes & Gerard O’Donnell and a special thanks to all our athletes for the pride they display in wearing the Carrick AC vest. Here’s to another busy and successful 2023! - John Connolly